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Canada Copepods

Copepods: More Than Just Reef Food

Copepods: More Than Just Reef Food
So you know that copepods make a healthy meal for the inhabitants of your reef, but what else do they do? It turns out that copepods are more important to the planet than you might think, and have more use to people beyond their inclusion in aquariums.

Phytoplankton – The Foundation of Your Reef’s Foodchain

Phytoplankton – The Foundation of Your Reef’s Foodchain
Phytoplankton are a diverse grouping of around 5,000 species of aquatic microorganisms consisting of eukaryotes, bacteria and archaea, all related in their ability to photosynthesize.

Larval Fish-Copepod Feeding Interactions

Larval Fish-Copepod Feeding Interactions
Have you ever had trouble feeding or keeping baby fish?

Copepod Life Stages

Copepod Life Stages
Copepods go through many transformations during the course of their planktonic lives. Hatching from an egg which might be attached to the adult female or deposited into the water, the first stage of copepod life is called a nauplius,transitioning into the more mature copepodid form and then the final adult stage.

What are Rotifers?

What are Rotifers?
What are rotifers, beyond tiny organisms that you feed to your reef? Although rotifers are for the most part microscopic, they are in fact multicellular animals belonging to their own ancient group which can be found all over the world.

Culture your own Copepods

Culture your own Copepods
Want to learn more about setting up your own culture for copepods and rotifers, creating an endless source of food for your tank?

Aquacultured Zooplankton

Aquacultured Zooplankton
Canada Copepods provides sustainably aquacultured zooplankton using only synthetic HUFA-enhanced phytoplankton for feeding. We specialize in the aquaculture of zooplankton for use in the home aquarium, clean and contaminant free.

What are Copepods and Rotifers?

What are Copepods and Rotifers?
Zooplankton are found near the bottom of the food chain. Feeding on phytoplankton (green water) and other small zooplankton, they in turn are the primary food source for the reef. The most abundant zooplankton found in the ocean reef are tiny, mic...


Rotifers are the tiniest of zooplankton and while they are often used for the rearing of larvae, they are a wonderful source of HUFA (Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids) for both corals and fish.

How To Seed Your Tank Live Food

How To Seed Your Tank Live Food
Do you want to improve the health of your tank and its inhabitants by seeding your reef with live copepods and rotifers but are unsure how it works?

Getting Started

Getting Started
So you’d like to get started feeding your reef with live nutritious foods? We will explain how it works!

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