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Getting Started

So you’d like to get started feeding your reef with live nutritious foods? We will explain how it works!

The recommended method is the simplest, and can provide a long-term reproducing culture of live food feeding your aquarium while you sit back and relax. We have created special seed packs according to system volume that will help you determine how much you should be adding at once to have the desired long-term sustainable effect. It is an investment in the health of your aquarium, and will allow you to significantly cut down on feedings. 

Seed packs allow the process to be very simple. Simply follow the instructions on the bottle (or on the site) for introducing the culture to the tank, and then feed phytoplankton to your aquarium every 2-3 days to keep them reproducing. Seed packs include both the required amount of pods and almost an entire year’s worth of phytoplankton! Alternatively, if you would like to start with a smaller amount and culture them yourself, or if you would like to culture your own rotifers to feed fry, there will be information and kits provided for any method of live feeding.

Our customers have had great success seeding 1-2oz per gallon of system volume of Canada Copepod’s Zooplankton Blend. This will create a sustainable, reproducing, source of live food for your fish, and allow you to keep even the most finicky fish. 

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